ComputOrgChem Unisa

Prof. Ines Bruno, Ph.D.

Prof. Ines Bruno, Ph.D.



Current position:

Associate Professor of Organic Chemistry at the Department of Pharmaceutical Science of the University of Salerno.


PhD in Pharmaceutical Sciences at University of Naples “Federico II”.

Master Degree in Pharmacy at the University of Naples “Federico II”.

Research and awards:

My research activity started in the lab of prof. Luigi Minale (University of Naples) in the field of marine natural products. As part of the PhD program, I spent some periods of study and research in Switzerland, at the Ecole de Pharmacie of the University of Lausanne, deepening my training in the field of bio-organic chemistry and natural organic compounds. My research, initially focused on the chemistry of organic natural products, turned to the design, synthesis, and biological evaluation of small molecules able to modulate biological targets deeply involved in inflammation and cancer.