ComputOrgChem Unisa

Funding and Awards


2023/2025 University and Research Ministry: PRIN PNRR 2022  “TACSI Driver: a multitasks platform to guide the Target identification, Assessment of the binding, Collection of natural products from waste, Synthesis of derivatives, and In vitro/In vivo polypharmacological profile evaluation of bioactive compounds.” prot. 2022CKPMW (P.I. Prof. Giuseppe Bifulco)
2017/2020 University and Research Ministry: PRIN 2017-“STOLEN MOLECULES   Stealing natural products from the depot and reselling them as new drug candidates” prot. 2017A95NCJ (P.I. Prof. Giuseppe Bifulco).
Topics: natural products, drug repositioning, anticancer drugs.
2019/2023 AIRC Fundation for Cancer Research: “Inhibition of mPGES-1 and modulation of PGE2 biological activity for the treatment of colon cancer” ID 21397 (P.I. Prof. Giuseppe Bifulco)
2017/2022 AIRC Fundation for Cancer Research: “Identification of novel anti-leukemia agents targeting the bromodomain of BRD9” MFAG 2017 -20160 (P.I. Dr. Gianluigi Lauro).
2016/2018 AIRC Fundation for Cancer Research: “Identification and biological evaluation of optimized mPGES-1 inhibitors as Anti-Inflammatory/Anti-Cancer drugs” ID 17440 (P.I. Prof. Giuseppe Bifulco).
2015/2020 University and Research Ministry: “Top-down and Bottom-up approach in the development of new bioactive chemical entities inspired on natural products scaffolds” 2015MSCKCE (P.I. Prof. Giuseppe Bifulco).
2013/2016 AIRC Fundation for Cancer “Research: Design, Virtual screening, and Synthesis of mPGES-1 inhibitors as new Anti-Inflammatory and Anti-Cancer drugsID 12777 (P.I. Prof. Giuseppe Bifulco).
2009/2014 University and Research Ministry: “Synthetic methodologies to generate biologically relevant molecular diversity” prot. 2009RMW3Z5 (Local Scientific Coordinator Prof. Giuseppe Bifulco).
2006/2008 University and Research Ministry: “Synthetic and strategies oriented to the generation of molecular diversity to prepare biologically active molecules” prot. 2006031151 (Local Scientific Coordinator Prof. Giuseppe Bifulco).


Italian Chemical Society “Giacomo Ciamician” Medal (2016) to Maria Giovanna Chini for the development of combined computational and NMR studies methods for the discovery of anti-inflammatory and anticancer drugs.
Italian Chemical Society “Giacomino Randazzo” Medal (2013) to Maria Giovanna Chini for the best doctorate thesis.
Italian Chemical Society “Giacomo Ciamician” Medal (2004) to Giuseppe Bifulco for the contribution and the innovation in organic chemistry.